Kenplas Forum ==> Others ==> Thermoforming PVC 0.2 to 0.7mm
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Are you running a plug assist into the pocket? sharp corners at the bottom or a radius? Draft angle? Main thing is running the plug fairly quick into the pocket, delay your main vacuum until the boxes are completely closed. 3 degree draft or less promotes thinning. Many things can cause this issue, hot tool, overheating the sheet, parts too close together, draw ratio.
Sir,we are thermoform(blister)PVC from0.2 to 0.07mm.But a common problem is that in deep foming ie.above 35 mm we encounter the problem of thining specially at the bottom corners please it would be ifgreat help if you can suggest how to rectify the problem.
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This forum published since July 03, 2002.
Renewed on June 22, 2005. |