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Computer Diagnostics for Injection Machine

Basic Judge for State of Breakdown (as per data or description given by user)

  • Model of computer controller: DCS220/230, S260, A60, APC-3000;
  • Current situation of machine: complete breakdown, or partial breakdown;
  • Judge it is electrical, hydraulic, mechanical or operational breakdown;
  • User can solve the problem themselves or not.

Classified Breakdown

Breakdown Parts Related
Action/Display Breakdown No Action, No Display Power, CPU, I/O, DA-TEMP, Display, Fuse, DC, MMI.
No Action, But Display OK CPU, I/O, DA-TEMP, POWER, DC24M512 converter.
Action OK, But No Display Power, CPU, Display.
Specific Single Action Failure I/O, Proximity switch, Transducer.
Temperature Breakdown No Temperature Display, or Temperature Display "0" DA-TEMP, Thermocouple, T1010AS.
No Heating Up Power, DA-TEMP, Thermocouple.
Abnormal Temperature Display Power, DA-TEMP, Thermocouple.
Temperature too High DA-TEMP, Thermocouple.
Temperature too Low DA-TEMP, Thermocouple.
Temperature Display "777" DA-TEMP, Thermocouple.
Temperature Display "888" DA-TEMP, Thermocouple.
Temperature Display "999" DA-TEMP, Thermocouple.
Data Setting Keyboard Failure Panel, CPU.
Data Save Failure Panel, CPU.
Data Changed Unexpectedly Panel, CPU.
Operation Sudden Stop in Action I/O, Electric Arc Absorber.
Machine Reboot Power, CPU, DC24M512, 0512.
Position Meter Position Display Always Same PWR-PAK, AD, +/-15V stablizer, Transducer.
Position Display Fluctuates Abnormally AD, DC24M51215, Transducer.
Position Preset Can't be Reached AD, DC18V.
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